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Text Search
Text search supports keyword searches, finding "specific phrases using quotes", as well as excluding terms with a minus operator (e.g. -news).
Specific Site
Enter a URL (eg "") or domain (""), to limit results to a given site.
Third-party services ranging from video hosting to advertising capture user data on the web.The menu below filters results to 13 Google operated services.
Amp Project
Google APIs
Google Analytics
Google App Engine
Google Cloud
Google Marketing Platform
Google Tag Manager
Google Video
🔒 Adobe
🔒 Amazon
🔒 Acxiom
🔒 Criteo
🔒 Meta
🔒 Microsoft
🔒 Oracle
🔒 The Trade Desk
🔒 Salesforce
🔒 ~700 more...
Nonconsented Ads Cookies
When webXray loads a webpage, all cookies are captured, but no cookie consent buttons are pressed. Any advertising cookies we find are therefore set without consent. Use this filter to only see results with unconsented advertising cookies.
Popularity Ranking
We use Google's
CrUX dataset
for website rankings. The menu below will filter your results to a given ranking tier.
Top 1,000
Top 5,000
Top 10,000
🔒 Top 100,000
🔒 Top 500,000
🔒 Sensitive Content Classifications
Our proprietary machine learning models give each page a 0-100 score for several sensitive categories. The menu below will return sites with a score above 90.
🔒 Child Directed
🔒 Patient Directed
🔒 Personal Finance
🔒 Spiritual Beliefs
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🔒 Personally Indentifiable Information (PII) Solicited
We detect when a site asks users for PII such as email, telephone number, passwords, and other data. You can use this filter to find sites which ask users for a given type of PII.
🔒 Address
🔒 Birth
🔒 Country
🔒 Date Of Birth
🔒 Email
🔒 Name
🔒 Password
🔒 Telephone Number
🔒 Username
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🔒 Self-Declared Classifications
Many websites with ads utilize the
IAB Content Taxonomy
to self-declare what topics their site covers. We have extracted these for each site.
🔒 Advertising
🔒 Agriculture
🔒 Aids Hiv
🔒 Allergies
🔒 Animation
🔒 Apartments
🔒 Architects
🔒 Art And Entertainment
🔒 Art Technology
🔒 Arts Crafts
🔒 Arts Entertainment
🔒 Asthma
🔒 Attractions
🔒 Auto Repair
🔒 Automotive
🔒 Automotive And Vehicles
🔒 Baseball
🔒 Beginning Investing
🔒 Board Games Puzzles
🔒 Bodybuilding
🔒 Books And Literature
🔒 Books Literature
🔒 Business
🔒 Business And Finance
🔒 Business And Industrial
🔒 Buying Selling Homes
🔒 By Us Locale
🔒 C C++
🔒 Car Culture
🔒 Card Games
🔒 Careers
🔒 Celebrity Fan Gossip
🔒 Chess
🔒 Cigars
🔒 Clothing
🔒 Collecting
🔒 College
🔒 Comic Books
🔒 Computer Peripherals
🔒 Cricket
🔒 Crime
🔒 Crossover
🔒 Dating
🔒 Desserts Baking
🔒 Dogs
🔒 Education
🔒 Entertaining
🔒 Entertainment
🔒 Events
🔒 Family And Parenting
🔒 Family And Relationships
🔒 Family Parenting
🔒 Finance
🔒 Financial News
🔒 Fine Art
🔒 Food And Drink
🔒 Food Drink
🔒 Football
🔒 Gardening
🔒 Genealogy
🔒 Genres
🔒 Guitar
🔒 Health And Fitness
🔒 Health Fitness
🔒 Health Lowfat Cooking
🔒 Healthy Living
🔒 Hedge Fund
🔒 Hobbies And Interests
🔒 Hobbies Interests
🔒 Home And Garden
🔒 Home Garden
🔒 Home Theater
🔒 Home Video Dvd
🔒 Humor
🔒 International News
🔒 Internet Technology
🔒 Investing
🔒 Japan
🔒 Java
🔒 Javascript
🔒 Jewelry Making
🔒 Landscaping
🔒 Language Learning
🔒 Law, Gov'T Politics
🔒 Law Govt And Politics
🔒 Local News
🔒 Luxury
🔒 Martial Arts
🔒 Medical Health
🔒 Minivan
🔒 Movies
🔒 Music
🔒 Mutual Funds
🔒 National News
🔒 Needlework
🔒 News
🔒 Non-Standard Content
🔒 Nutrition
🔒 Off-Road Vehicles
🔒 Paintball
🔒 Personal Celebrations And Life Events
🔒 Personal Finance
🔒 Pets
🔒 Photography
🔒 Politics
🔒 Pop Culture
🔒 Pornography
🔒 Power Motorcycles
🔒 Pro Basketball
🔒 Pro Ice Hockey
🔒 Radio
🔒 Real Estate
🔒 Religion And Spirituality
🔒 Religion Spirituality
🔒 Retirement Planning
🔒 Road-Side Assistance
🔒 Roleplaying Games
🔒 Science
🔒 Shareware Freeware
🔒 Shopping
🔒 Society
🔒 Sports
🔒 Stocks
🔒 Style And Fashion
🔒 Style Fashion
🔒 Surfing Bodyboarding
🔒 Tax Planning
🔒 Technology And Computing
🔒 Technology Computing
🔒 Television
🔒 Travel
🔒 U.S. Military
🔒 Vegetarian
🔒 Video Computer Games
🔒 Video Gaming
🔒 Vintage Cars
🔒 Visual Basic
🔒 Volleyball
🔒 Weather
🔒 Web Design Html
🔒 Web Search
🔒 World Soccer
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🔒 Verified Site Classification
For several categories of sites, such as FDIC institutions and hospitals, we have manually collected primary source datasets. As such, these classifications are highly reliable.
🔒 Federally-Registered Financial Institution
🔒 Government Sites
🔒 Higher Education
🔒 Hospitals
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🔒 Country
We use the country-code top-level domain (e.g. 'es', 'de', etc.) to determine the country.
🔒 Albania
🔒 Argentina
🔒 Armenia
🔒 Australia
🔒 Austria
🔒 Azerbaijan
🔒 Bangladesh
🔒 Belarus
🔒 Belgium
🔒 Bosnia And Herzegovina
🔒 Brazil
🔒 Bulgaria
🔒 Canada
🔒 Chile
🔒 China
🔒 Colombia
🔒 Croatia
🔒 Cyprus
🔒 Czech Republic
🔒 Denmark
🔒 Egypt
🔒 Estonia
🔒 Finland
🔒 France
🔒 Georgia
🔒 Germany
🔒 Ghana
🔒 Greece
🔒 Hungary
🔒 Iceland
🔒 India
🔒 Indonesia
🔒 Ireland
🔒 Israel
🔒 Italy
🔒 Japan
🔒 Kazakhstan
🔒 Kenya
🔒 Latvia
🔒 Liechtenstein
🔒 Lithuania
🔒 Luxembourg
🔒 Malaysia
🔒 Malta
🔒 Mexico
🔒 Moldova
🔒 Montenegro
🔒 Netherlands
🔒 New Zealand
🔒 Nigeria
🔒 North Macedonia
🔒 Norway
🔒 Pakistan
🔒 Peru
🔒 Philippines
🔒 Poland
🔒 Portugal
🔒 Romania
🔒 Russia
🔒 Saudi Arabia
🔒 Serbia
🔒 Singapore
🔒 Slovakia
🔒 Slovenia
🔒 South Africa
🔒 South Korea
🔒 Spain
🔒 Sweden
🔒 Switzerland
🔒 Thailand
🔒 Turkey
🔒 Ukraine
🔒 United Arab Emirates
🔒 United Kingdom
🔒 United States
🔒 Venezuela
🔒 Vietnam
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