
Short Version

We believe operating a website in a way which balances site functionality and user privacy is not only possible, it is imperative. For this reason, we only maintain the bare minimum of data needed to deliver a reliable and secure service.

Technical Version

IP Address Data

We retain non-encrypted IP addresses for 24 hours so we may detect hacking attempts and other malicious activity. After 24 hours we anonymize IP addresses using a hash with a salt. We use a new salt every 24 hours and do not record prior salts.

This means it is impossible for us to link searches to specific IP addresses and it is likewise impossible to link any two searches that occur more than 24 hours apart.

We use Cloudflare for DNS and DDoS protection. Cloudflare's Privacy Policy specifies how your data is treated according to the "End Users" category. Cloudflare defines "End Users" data as including "IP addresses, traffic routing data, system configuration information, and other information about traffic to and from Customers’ websites, devices, applications, and/or networks".

Cookie Data

While cookies have many legitimate uses with negligible privacy impacts, this site does not use any cookies. Note that we use our own custom rate limiting system which does not use client-side processing.

Log Data

webXray may analyze search and traffic logs to detect issues with performance such as slow query response times, queries that fail, what pages are most visited, and to learn what features users may want in the future.

Likewise, Cloudflare logs IP address information per the terms of their Privacy Policy

Data Access and Deletion Requests

webXray has no means to link any request to a user, IP address, or other identifier. Therefore we cannot respond to access or deletion requests as we simply can't link data to your request.

If you wish for Cloudflare to respond to a request, please email [email protected] per the directions in their Privacy Policy.