webXray is a tool for legal and compliance professionals to find privacy violations on the web.

Our Mission:

Accelerate the Privacy Transition.

A transition to a privacy-centric online environment is now inevitable, but the complexity of finding privacy violations is slowing down change. At webXray we make it easy for anybody to find privacy violations anywhere on the web, thereby accelerating the privacy transition.

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Our Vision:

AI for Regulation.

At webXray we use the same tools and techniques corporations use to track people, but instead of people, we track corporations. Our systems ingest huge volumes of information, make it searchable, and identify privacy-sensitive content using our proprietary machine learning models.

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Reviewed, Validated, and Battle Tested

webXray started as a scientific tool in 2012 and research powered by webXray has gone through extensive peer review at some of the most competitive venues in medicine and computer science. Likewise, webXray has been cited in over 900 peer-reviewed studies. Most significant of all, webXray has supported numerous litigation actions, producing admissible evidence at an unprecedented scale.

Public Impact

We have been working at the forefront of consumer privacy advocacy for over a decade, as our extensive press record shows: